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Cautions: Never do exercise in empty stomach. It harms our health. First of all we have to drink 2 glass of water as soon as we wake up in the morning and be fresh within 30 minutes then after only it is the time to do exercise.
There are different basic exercises in this video, which is very very important to be healthy in the life. So I recommend to all of you watch full videos and get something new steps of exercise then start to do it from tomorrow.
Regular exercise and physical activity helps to make strong bones and muscles. It improves respiratory and overall health. Staying active can also help you maintain a healthy weight, protect you from diabetes, heart diseases and cancers. We can't enjoy our wonderful life and achieve anything in the life if we are not healthy.
If we didn't even walk for 7 minutes a day then many different kind of diseases might attack us. So, at least, we should run or exercise for seven minutes. It is also fair not to exercise once or twice a week if you sometimes feel doing exercise is boring.
Our health is most important part of our life. Nothing is above than health. Every part of your life relies on you having good health.
We cannot climb higher in all areas of our life like wealth, love, family friendship, work, learning, if you do not have enough physical energy to devote to each of them. When we have low energy, it is quite difficult to do following things:
1. Express love
2. Support our family, friends and relatives
3. Work perfectly
4. Have fun with guys
5. Think positive
6. Become confidence
7. Develop our mind and body structure
8. Speak friendly
9. Earn money
10. Do anything that we want
That's why, I would like to say to all of you guys that please give just 30 minutes for yourself in order to do exercise in the morning. As you know that, it is best doing exercise in morning. I can definitely say that no one can live nicely and enjoy their wonderful life if we or they don't even spend 30 minutes time for exercise/workout/gym and others kind of exercises. So, do exercises, be healthy and live long. Best of luck guys.
If you like it please don't forget to subscribe the channel. It makes me happy.
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Special Thanks: Pixabay, Pixel and YouTube Audio Library Team.
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#diyofamilymemberyougesh #yougeshbalami #bestmusicvideoformorningexercise #pleasantmusicforexercise #naturalexercise
Cautions: Never do exercise in empty stomach. It harms our health. First of all we have to drink 2 glass of water as soon as we wake up in the morning and be fresh within 30 minutes then after only it is the time to do exercise.
There are different basic exercises in this video, which is very very important to be healthy in the life. So I recommend to all of you watch full videos and get something new steps of exercise then start to do it from tomorrow.
Regular exercise and physical activity helps to make strong bones and muscles. It improves respiratory and overall health. Staying active can also help you maintain a healthy weight, protect you from diabetes, heart diseases and cancers. We can't enjoy our wonderful life and achieve anything in the life if we are not healthy.
If we didn't even walk for 7 minutes a day then many different kind of diseases might attack us. So, at least, we should run or exercise for seven minutes. It is also fair not to exercise once or twice a week if you sometimes feel doing exercise is boring.
Our health is most important part of our life. Nothing is above than health. Every part of your life relies on you having good health.
We cannot climb higher in all areas of our life like wealth, love, family friendship, work, learning, if you do not have enough physical energy to devote to each of them. When we have low energy, it is quite difficult to do following things:
1. Express love
2. Support our family, friends and relatives
3. Work perfectly
4. Have fun with guys
5. Think positive
6. Become confidence
7. Develop our mind and body structure
8. Speak friendly
9. Earn money
10. Do anything that we want
That's why, I would like to say to all of you guys that please give just 30 minutes for yourself in order to do exercise in the morning. As you know that, it is best doing exercise in morning. I can definitely say that no one can live nicely and enjoy their wonderful life if we or they don't even spend 30 minutes time for exercise/workout/gym and others kind of exercises. So, do exercises, be healthy and live long. Best of luck guys.
If you like it please don't forget to subscribe the channel. It makes me happy.
You can follow me from the given below link:
Special Thanks: Pixabay, Pixel and YouTube Audio Library Team.
Thanks for Watching
#diyofamilymemberyougesh #yougeshbalami #bestmusicvideoformorningexercise #pleasantmusicforexercise #naturalexercise
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