✘ Buy & sell your Skins on Bitskins:
✘ Karambit Gamma Doppler ($1250) Giveaway - enter here:
✘ Code "tweeday" for a free skins (3 free cases):
Watch live:
Dishwasher and me went onto play another Silver Matchmaking and the adventure took us to de_vertigo =) Hope you enjoy!
► Partners & Sponsors:
✘ Buy & sell your Skins on Bitskins:
✘ G2A:
✘ Madmonq:
✘ Ironmaxx Nutrition (Code "Tweeday10" for 10% off):
► Social Networks and Platforms:
○ Instagram:
○ Twitter:
○ Discord:
○ Twitch:
○ Steam:
○ Facebook:
○ My spotify playlists: (Sometimes I run a radio based off of this playlist)
○ Gym playlist:
► Config, Viewmodels, Crosshair (both for Playing and Moviemaking):
► Setup Video:
"✘"are Sponsors, Partners or Affiliate Links which indicate paid product placements and/or generate revenue.
✘ Karambit Gamma Doppler ($1250) Giveaway - enter here:
✘ Code "tweeday" for a free skins (3 free cases):
Watch live:
Dishwasher and me went onto play another Silver Matchmaking and the adventure took us to de_vertigo =) Hope you enjoy!
► Partners & Sponsors:
✘ Buy & sell your Skins on Bitskins:
✘ G2A:
✘ Madmonq:
✘ Ironmaxx Nutrition (Code "Tweeday10" for 10% off):
► Social Networks and Platforms:
○ Instagram:
○ Twitter:
○ Discord:
○ Twitch:
○ Steam:
○ Facebook:
○ My spotify playlists: (Sometimes I run a radio based off of this playlist)
○ Gym playlist:
► Config, Viewmodels, Crosshair (both for Playing and Moviemaking):
► Setup Video:
"✘"are Sponsors, Partners or Affiliate Links which indicate paid product placements and/or generate revenue.
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