Hey! So surfing through old videos as you do, we found quite a few clips of the dogs howling. Ever since we thought it would be a good idea to teach them to do it on command they have been getting louder and louder. I'm sure they think it's a competition!
Niko's howl turns into a yap mid howl while Phil is very consistent so extra points to Phil, Niko has better posture than Phil's lazy lying down howling though!
These clips must be 3 years old now, before we thought the importance of a steady hand haha. Well hope you enjoy testing your speakers and watching your dog's head tilt from side to side.
We challenge you to #Howlception. Make a video of your dog howling watching our dogs howl and make sure to tag us in the description with @Life with Malamutes and the hashtag to keep it going. Unlike Leo, we might win a grammy for this one!
Thanks for watching guys and I hope your neighbours loved the sound as much as ours! xx
Niko's howl turns into a yap mid howl while Phil is very consistent so extra points to Phil, Niko has better posture than Phil's lazy lying down howling though!
These clips must be 3 years old now, before we thought the importance of a steady hand haha. Well hope you enjoy testing your speakers and watching your dog's head tilt from side to side.
We challenge you to #Howlception. Make a video of your dog howling watching our dogs howl and make sure to tag us in the description with @Life with Malamutes and the hashtag to keep it going. Unlike Leo, we might win a grammy for this one!
Thanks for watching guys and I hope your neighbours loved the sound as much as ours! xx
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