How To Train Your Dog " SIT on chair" : Dog Training Videos :dog training:sit command Malayalam

just support your puppy to climb when she desire use a command every time that is it

life of tessa

basic commands

puppy charecter devolepment

homemade treats

watch here
● Tessa breeder - a few instructions

●Puppy crying at night solution

●puppy food and supplements

●puppy toilet training

●puppy deworming

●importance of omega3

●Memorable moments with teza

●pre training preparations

●stop biting - first solution

●first command,training time

●food permission

●dog treat 1

●no command

●sit command

●toilet training result

●First bathing

●training without Food

●stop biting with command

●maggots beware

●dog treat 2

●shakehand training

●food menu

●come here, sit , shakehand together

●toy story - music

Food permission stage 2

● vaccine schedule

●come here command

●down command

Watch Sit Training here

Watch Shakehand Training here

Watch Down Command here

Watch Fetch Command here

Watch Come here Command

Watch "No" Command

Watch "get inside" Command

Watch "STAND" Command

Watch "STAY" Command

Watch "STOP BITING" Command here

watch fully trained German shepherd here

Watch Sit Training here

Watch Shakehand Training here

Watch Down Command here

Watch Fetch Command here

Watch Come here Command

Watch "No" Command

Watch "get inside" Command

Watch "STAND" Command

Watch "STAY" Command

Watch "STOP BITING" Command here

Slowly move the treat from just in front of your dog’s nose, then up and back over her muzzle to between her eyes. Keep the treat just an inch or so away from your dog the whole time. As your dog’s head tilts up to follow the treat, her rear end should automatically go down.
As soon as your dog’s butt hits the ground, praise her and give her the treat.
Repeat the exercise several times.
Once your dog gets the hang of it, introduce the verbal cue: Tell her “sit” just before you move the treat from in front of her nose to above her head.
Once your dog starts to respond reliably, begin to offer treats sporadically, only for the quickest, crispest sits. Eventually you can phase out food treats entirely.
dog training video "Sit" command. please subscribe for more videos
watch fully trained German shepherd here

Please dont waste your money for training. you can do it at home.

watch fully trained German shepherd here

Watch Sit Training here

Watch Shakehand Training here

Watch Down Command here

Watch Fetch Command here

Watch Come here Command

Watch "No" Command

Watch "get inside" Command

Watch "STAND" Command

Watch "STAY" Command

Watch "STOP BITING" Command here

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