It's My dog | Surprise Reactions on My Son's Special Pet Dog | Vlog | Sushma Kiron

My Son Got his Own Pet Dog and My Husband Surprised on his behaviour with that. In this Latest Telugu Vlog Watch How My son Had his Special Dog on Paper and How he treat his paper dog as his special Pet Dog. We are amused as well as worried about his desperate attitude towards owning a dog of his own. My Chatter box son also drew many various breeds of dogs and i was amazed and Happy by seeing My Boy drawing skill and his freehand drawing. He drew more than 10 types of Dogs some of which are unknown to me and my husband. hope you will also like his drawing style. This new video shows about a child behaviour and parents reaction on children attitudes. We know that Good parenting is not a simple task but we are always trying to make our chatter box kid Kiron

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