玄彬孫藝珍齊上齊落接廣告,一句KO復合宋慧喬傳聞 Hyun Bin Son Ye Jin endorse Philippine "Smart". Song Hye Kyo rumors denied!

今集Toxic Baby要講粉絲界裏的兩大新聞!
In this episode, Toxic Baby will talk about two big news among Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin's fans!

首先,是關於 #玄彬 和宋慧喬所謂的復合傳聞。這個傳聞是5月時在中國網絡上傳開的,Toxic Baby一直不談,是因為覺得太假了,完全只是有粉絲憑幾張照片加無窮想像力而提出來的,連韓國傳媒都沒報道,但很多中文媒體卻大字標題、言之鑿鑿般講,擺明是為了吸引點擊率啦!
First, it is about the dating rumors of Hyun Bin and Song Hye Kyo. This rumor was made up by some Chinese fans on SNS. Toxic Baby hasn't talked about it because it feels too fake. It was only raised by some fans based on a few photos with their infinite imagination. The Korean media did not report it. Yet many Chinese media did, obviously to attract clicks! 

The latest, someone even posted a photo, in which nothing concrete could be seen, saying that Hyun Bin and Song Hye Kyo were walking the dog together. What's more, there are even rumors saying that they are living together! Because it's so outrageous, Hyun Bin and Song Hye Kyo's company couldn't help but both denied it on July 31.

Toxic Baby最喜歡他們說的一句:「沒有回應的價值」,實在說得太好了!玄彬公司還說,這不是事實,而宋慧喬公司也說這是沒可能的。
Toxic Baby likes what they said: "There's no value to respond", which is so well said! Hyun Bin's company said that "this is not true", while Song Hye Kyo's company said "that's impossible".

Fans can put this "news" behind.

And the second thing, up till now it is not a rumor anymore! Hyun Bin and Son Yejin are endorsing the same Philippine telecom company!

Toxic Baby6月初時就報道過,玄彬為菲律賓電訊商Smart代言。而當時不久後,亦有傳聞說Smart也正在接洽孫藝珍。
Toxic Baby reported in early June that Hyun Bin filmed an ad for the Philippine telecom company Smart. And shortly after that, there were also rumors that Smart was also approaching Son Ye Jin.

而7月中,孫藝珍就在IG發了一條自己裝作騎電單車的短片,還搞笑地打了一句文字,說"Burung Burung,不過怎樣出發呢?"
And in mid-July, Son Ye Jin posted a short clip on IG, where she was pretending to be riding a motorcycle. She typed a funny caption saying "Burung Burung, but how to start it?"

And then, on July 31, the same day when Hyun Bin's company denied the dating rumors with Song Hye Kyo, Smart released a teaser on IG

Although we can't see that it is Son Ye Jin, it's very obvious, isn't it?

Philippine companies are so generous, look, #HyunBin is dominating the sky there. Later, will it will be dominated by both Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin?

好了,今次講到這裏,有新消息Toxic Bay再為大家報道! 記得訂閱我的Youtube頻道哦! 
Ok that's all for this episode. I will report on any updates! Remember to subscribe to my Youtube channel!

還有,Toxic Baby的Patreon玄彬圖書館,裏面會有更多玄彬歷年來的訪問、搞笑有趣的片段,每段片Toxic Baby都會講解背景資料,大家看完一定會對玄彬有更深入了解! 希望大家多多支持!
Also, Toxic Baby is building up a Hyun Bin Library on Patreon, there are interviews and interesting footages of Hyun Bin over the years. Each footage is coupled with background information, you will surely have a deeper understanding of Hyun Bin after watching them! I hope you can support it!


~~About Toxic Baby~~

Toxic Baby aka Angry Baby. 上班時勞勞氣氣,下班後毒女一名,鍾情玄彬、 孔劉 等大叔級韓星。因嫁了Crying Oppa,韓文程度尚算不錯,專門挖掘獨家新聞,將大叔韓星動向公諸同好。

"Toxic" in Cantonese can be used to describe someone who is overwhelmingly obsessed with something to the detriment of social skills. It is equivalent to the word "Otaku". Toxic Baby is so named because she is sooooo addicted to a few Korean Uncles Stars especially HYUN BIN and she is creating videos relating to them. All videos are Chinese and English subbed!

Toxic Baby was also known as Angry Baby because she is very often angry while working in office. Only after work does she become Toxic and immerse herself in the K-wave world.

~~About Crying Oppa~~

來自首爾的Oppa和港女Angry Baby結婚後變成了Crying Oppa。每天在尖沙咀的小教室,日以繼夜春風化雨教韓文

An oppa from Korea has become Crying Oppa since marrying to Angry Baby (because she gets angry too easily). Crying Oppa runs his own Korean classes in Hong Kong and create Korean teaching videos on Youtube.
Crying Oppa & Toxic Baby SNS ▶


Facebook: Crying Oppa’s BB韓文班 & HK Life

Facebook: Toxic Baby's 大叔韓星日報 Korean Uncles Daily



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