Today I’m pulling a sleepwalking prank on my family. I don’t actually sleepwalk, but I’ve seen so many TikTok videos about it, so I thought I will prank my family. I went to bed early that night and told everyone I was very tired for some reason, which everyone believed. We were in the middle of moving, which is exhausting. The kids were hanging out in the living room having fun. I started to walk around with my eyes closed and not even noticing anyone. The kids thought it was super weird. Is mom really sleepwalking? They went up to dad and questioned him what was wrong with me. Dad acted like he was worried and told them not to mess with her. You are not supposed to mess with someone that is sleepwalking. Dad was actually helping me with this prank, which was perfect because the kids totally fell for it. I was doing a lot of weird things, which some of them were very funny. Do you think the kids noticed it was a prank or did they fall for the prank? You must watch and see until the end to find that out. We hope you thought this prank was funny as we thought it was.
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