Spider-Man's New Look, Super Mario Cold Stone, Nintendo Switch Giveaway, SSBU's New Character

Hey everyone! Thank you for joining me today for Video Game News with Paul Gale Network. Today I start off and spend a good amount of time talking about Spider-Man on PlayStation 5 and discuss the changes made to Peter Parker. I also show off the Super Mario celebration going on over at Cold Stone Creamery and highlight IGN's recent Top 10 Best games of the 90's, between Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis.

Also, I share the news that Jump Rope Challenge is being made available after today's date, talk briefly about tomorrow's Super Smash Bros. Ultimate character reveal, and announce that I'll be giving away the Special Edition Animal Crossing themed Nintendo Switch when this channel hits 100,000 subscribers.

Thanks for watching!

#SpiderMan #NintendoSwitchGiveaway #SuperSmashBrosUltimate
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