TikTok Ruined My Life

“Lizzy! Don’t forget to feed the puppy!” shouted my grandma from across the house.

“I won’t, grandma!” I replied.

I loved my grandma. We lived together since I was very little. I had no idea where my parents were and I appreciated that my grandma had taken care of me. It was just the two of us for as long as I could remember – and now we had a cute little addition – a puppy named Max!

Before I go on, make sure you like and subscribe to this channel if you want to have cute things too! I promise, it really works.

As a teenager I always found it difficult to have a normal life. I had too many responsibilities because my grandma was quite old. At times, it was almost like I was the adult and she was the child! Sometimes I wanted to go out to have fun but I couldn’t. I had to stay home to take care of her.

In addition to all my responsibilities we were sort of poor. I couldn’t manage a part-time job so we survived on my grandma’s pension which wasn’t a lot. We never starved but we could only afford the basics. I felt envious of other people a lot of the time – especially at school. Most of the kids in my neighborhood came from wealthy families. Some of my classmates already had their own cars while I had to walk to school. I couldn’t even afford a bicycle.

This all meant that I was quite unpopular at school. I had a few average friends and that was it. My clothes weren’t as amazing as the popular girls’ and I had no money to spend on make-up. Boys never noticed me because I was so plain. I always imagined what it would be like to be rich and popular – to have everyone wishing they could hang out with me!

One day I was sitting on a bench outside watching a bunch of boys slobber over Jennifer, the most popular girl at our school. My friend Leeann suddenly jumped into the seat next to mine and almost pushed me off with excitement.

“Hey Lizzie! Have you heard of this new app? It’s so cool!” she exclaimed while showing me her phone.

“Gosh Leeann. Calm down. What is it?” I replied.

“Tik Tok! I spent hours on it last night. I barely got any sleep. Look at this funny guy.” she laughed while showing me a video of a guy with blue hair pretending to be a whale.

I laughed too because it was actually pretty funny.

“There are dance challenges too! Look!” she said.

“Wow.” I thought. “This is awesome!”

This was the first time I ever experienced Tik Tok. We spent hours just browsing through dance videos, jokes and pranks. I hadn’t felt that happy in a while because it really helped me to forget about my miserable life.

That afternoon when I got home, the first thing I did was download Tik Tok. I spent the entire night browsing through videos. I completely forgot about my homework or any chores that I had to do. I didn’t even speak to my grandma!

After at least six hours of just mindlessly browsing videos, I got a brilliant idea! Maybe I could make videos too! Could Tik Tok put me on the path towards popularity? I could see it already. Boys fainting at my feet and everyone wanting to be my friend. I had to make it work! I decided I’d get started the next day. It would be Saturday so I’d have lots of time to plan and experiment.

First I needed a partial makeover. I used a few dollars I had saved to buy a cheap cute outfit and some eyeshadow.

I found a proper location in my house and set up my phone to take a video. I decided to do a short dance. When I finally got it right, I uploaded it and waited for my millions of likes and followers. I kept staring at my phone waiting for someone to react but no one did. I decided to do something else to distract myself.
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