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Why is the world such a dangerous place? We often think that we humans have tamed this planet that
we call home, but the fact is, danger awaits us in every turn, and they come in various forms, most
especially animals. Today, we will look at some animals that you should really stay away from, especially
number one which is known for its extremely bad temper. Here are 10 of the most dangerous animals.

Number 10. The Black-footed Cat
The deadliest cat on Earth isn't a shaggy-maned lion, a sleek leopard or a stealthy tiger. It's a wee cat
that you've probably never heard of: Africa's smallest feline, the black-footed cat.
Native to the grasslands of southern Africa, the black-footed cat has an endearingly round face and a
light brown, black-spotted body that is small even compared to domestic cats. The wild feline measures
only 14 to 20 inches long, stands about 8 inches tall and weighs about 2 to 6 pounds.
Admittedly, those measurements don't sound very impressive when compared to the sizable big cats
that are among the world's most fearsome predators. But despite its small size, the black-footed cat
hunts and brings down more prey in a single night than a leopard does in six months.
One small Black-footed Cat can consume 3,000 rodents each year. They have also been known to eat
dead springbok lambs, although they don’t actually kill them. Larger males can take adult Cape hare
which weigh approximately the same as the cat. They have also been observed eating eggs, crushing
them gently between the jaws, and then licking the contents clean.

Number 9. The Pitbull
Pit bulls are a very popular breed of strong dogs. This is the resulting breed when you combine the
energy and agility of terriers and the body build and strength of a bulldog. Pit bulls always get a bad rep.
Mainly because of their popularity of being used in dog fights, but pit bull advocates explain that they
are a very misunderstood breed.
They are naturally mild mannered, loyal, and caring, making them an ideal family dog. They are highly
intelligent as well and can be trained to do all sorts of things. The problem is, couple intelligence and
trainability with its unmatched agility and mind blowing strength, pit bulls can be very dangerous if
trained in the wrong way.
Like I mentioned earlier, they are the quintessential fighting dog breed. They often clash with other
fighting dogs like the Rottweiler and the canary mastiff in the dig ring, they even fight against the same
breed. And in dog fights, when a pit bull is involved, it almost always ends with a fatality.

Number 8. The Saltwater Crocodile
The inclusion of the saltwater crocodile in this list shouldn’t come as a surprise to you, because they are
truly one of the more dangerous animal species that populate the earth. These animals, although

primarily ambush predators, have been known at times to pursue their would be prey aggressively. But
did you know that this aggressiveness starts at a very young age?
Studies have shown that baby saltwater crocodiles have the same level of aggressiveness as adults who
spend their entire lives in the wild. These hatchlings were observed showing violent behavior, some of
which are unintentional, like when other hatchlings disturb their sleep or invade their personal space.
However, other violent and aggressive behavior were also observed, and this time, these babies do it
When swimming in open water, the hatchlings were observed to bite and drag each other underwater,
as if trying to drown each other. These babies are preparing themselves for the future, learning at an
early age how their mother behaves, by grabbing prey and pulling them underwater until they drown.

Number 7. The Inland Taipan
The Inland Taipan possesses the most toxic venom of any land snake in the world. Despite that, there
has never been a single recorded human fatality from a bite of this snake.
This snake is dark tan in color, ranging from a rich, dark hue to a brownish light-green, depending on the
season. Its back, sides, and tail may be different shades of brown and grey, with many scales having a
wide blackish edge.
It lives in the far west and southwest of Queensland, extending through the far west of New South
Wales into the northeast corner of South Australia, and into the southeast of the Northern Territory.
Although extremely venomous and capable strikers, Inland taipans are usually quite shy and reclusive
snakes and prefer to escape from trouble. However, they will defend themselves and strike if provoked,
mishandled, or prevented from escaping.
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