Is there a new Super Pop? The Super Pops are trying to save Glow Pop’s Mom, Genesis, but in order to get a clue as to where her mom is they must first have to head to the Bungler Lair. That’s when the Super Pops get the idea to dress up as fake bungler villains in order to blend in and defeat the bunglers. Unfortunately, Reine the Jester catches the Pop Squad trying to sneak in to the lair and calls in for backup. Mizeree and Reine have an epic super power battle with the Pops but that’s when Majesty sends in Glow Pop, a Rap Pop and now brand new Super Pop to help out. Will the Super Pops be able to save Glow’s mom in time or will one of the pops be turned into a bungler for good? Plus, the Official Music Video Glitter and Gold Song and Dance from the Super Pops, Pop Stars with Superpowers. Videos for Teens.


Want to dress like a Super Pop? Get Super Pops Costumes on Amazon!

Super Pops Top and Skirt Set:

Super Pops Colored Wig:

Super Pops Shiny Skirt:

Long Sleeve Shiny Top:

All Original Super Pops Totally TV Series with Jenn Barlow as Majesty and Reine, Laura Elizabeth Hall as Chloe and Cosmic Pop, Olivia Cordell as Finley and Flash Pop, Gabby Shaikh as Gia and Glow Pop, Katie Davison as Celeste, Danielle Sappleton as Georgia and Gold Pop, with Anne Clark as Mizeree.

Super Pops Original Song – “Glitter and Gold” downloadable on Apple iTunes and Google Play Music by Adam Ilami.

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Our Playlists:

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