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Robert Polenik is the owner of Brutal Iron Gym. He has a Master's in Human Nutrition, a Bachelor's in Health and Physical Education, and is a certified Personal Trainer through American College of Sports Medicine.
He has been a personal trainer since 2002 with a client history of over 1,000+ clients and has coached multiple athletes to Pro Cards in various aesthetic sport categories, multiple National records and Elite Totals in powerlifting, and has helped multiple athletes in various sports earn Division I sport scholarships. Rob has also taught at the university level for 7 years with a student history of over 500+ students.
If you like this information you can find more from us on Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter at “brutalirongym”
Also, if you like the podcast please share it with family & friends. The more people we help the happier the world will be!
And, if you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions we’d love to hear from you! The podcast is for YOU so we want to know what YOU want to learn about. You can reach us at our email brutalirongym@
Or use the link written below:
Through Podbean you can also choose to be a "Follower" of the podcast and receive direct link notifications each morning when a new podcast is available
Robert Polenik is the owner of Brutal Iron Gym. He has a Master's in Human Nutrition, a Bachelor's in Health and Physical Education, and is a certified Personal Trainer through American College of Sports Medicine.
He has been a personal trainer since 2002 with a client history of over 1,000+ clients and has coached multiple athletes to Pro Cards in various aesthetic sport categories, multiple National records and Elite Totals in powerlifting, and has helped multiple athletes in various sports earn Division I sport scholarships. Rob has also taught at the university level for 7 years with a student history of over 500+ students.
If you like this information you can find more from us on Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter at “brutalirongym”
Also, if you like the podcast please share it with family & friends. The more people we help the happier the world will be!
And, if you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions we’d love to hear from you! The podcast is for YOU so we want to know what YOU want to learn about. You can reach us at our email brutalirongym@
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