Family Banking Strategy Part 2: 11 Yr Family Bank Case Study

Family Banking Strategy Part 2: An 11-Year Family Bank Case Study, With John Moriarty

Would you like to see a Privatized Family Bank in action? We invite you behind the scenes in this conversation with someone using and loving their Privatized Banking system of policies for the past 11 years. You’ll see a high level of funding, cash values, how they’re using loans, the internal growth of the policy, the death benefit, and how they’re getting a front-row seat to opportunities because of this system and tool for storing cash reserves.

In this episode, Bruce and I are talking with our friend and colleague, John Moriarty, the Founder and President of e3 ConsultantsGROUP, about his personal and business use of a family Privatized Banking system, and the thinking behind a growing and evolving system of policies.

In our last conversation with John, we talked about why he’s using Privatized Banking.  We’ve invited him back to show you the numbers of this real life Privatized Banking case study where we walk you through multiple policies and how it’s worked out over the last 11 years.  

So if you want to see inside a fully operational Privatized Banking system, find out exactly how and why this wealth creator is funding, borrowing, and repaying whole life insurance on the regular, and witness the opportunity created by this method of cash flow management so you can how to use Privatized Banking to store your cash reserves in personal and business, tune in now!

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