K.D. Pathak Takes Up The Case - Best of Adaalat (Bengali) - আদালত - Full Episode

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Angel, a pet cat is accused of killing her owner, Deeya khanna, evidence being the teeth marks on the deceased neckline, Mrs D’mello is also found dead under the same circumstances after she agrees to keep the cat at her place. Decision was made to kill Angel using a lethal injection. KD investigates the matter from his own end and decides to take up the case in spite of Dave’s apprehensions and all the other members of the society including Thadani, Vipin, Sandhya and Vilayat. How will Pathak prove his client innocent?

About Adaalat :
Adaalat is a courtroom drama series that chronicles the journey of KD Pathak, a defense attorney, as he solves one case after the other with his sheer brilliance. When all else fails, only the eloquence and downright genius investigative skills of KD Pathak can deliver justice to the innocents. KD Pathak has never lost a case and never has he let an innocent be convicted of a crime. Though many prosecutors come close to cracking KD Pathak's code, it's the charismatic KD, who prevails in the end.
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