There Can Be Only One! Cute & funny dachshund dog video!

Do you know this feeling? - You come to the cinema, watch an ad before the show Your movie has just begun, and you have already eaten all the popcorn and drank all the cola! I almost forgot it too! I haven't been in cinema so long!
Many of you will say, but who needs this cinema? After all, modern TVs provide excellent picture and sound quality, and there are so much of content on streaming services that there is not enough life to watch everything! And of course, I agree with this, but ... There is some kind of magic in the cinema, the beam of the projector is mesmerizing, and you no longer understand where reality ends and the movie begins!
I hope you enhoy my cute & funny dachshund dog video!
Thank you to my Top Patron Matej Duda and all my other Patrons too!
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