Last Day on Earth! Cute & funny dachshund dog video!

As many of you know, about three weeks ago I had a surgery to remove a stone from my bladder! And I have already fully recovered, as if nothing had happened! I live life the full life: making plans for the future, shooting new videos and bring smiles! Now I look back without fear, realizing that all decisions we made was right, but Oh, how scared me and my parents were!
It was very scary to look at the vet, when he frustratedly threw his arms out to the sides after know my age and calculating my Unfortunately, in my city they could only offer a dangerous invasive surgery! But my parents said they would do everything to give me with the best treatment and the most modern medical technology, even if we have to fly to Mars and back!
I hope you enjoy my cute & funny dachshund dog video!
Thank you to my Top Patrons Matej Duda, Mary Stevens and all my other Patrons too!
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