Ready for the next turn in Bobby's life?? and did he managed to get a brand new Vespa for Baby??what's the new twist??? Give us a will know what even these words fail to express about this
Bobby Vs Baby is an original comic series by Filmymoji based on realistic situations with fictional characters Bobby & runs through their conversations which will tickle your funny bones.
How an innocent person deals with his dominating girl friend forms the crux of the story with a variety of situations in a short and sweet time frame will entertain you throughout the MUST MUST MUST watch for the people who are in a A WATCH & HAVE FUN.
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Bobby Vs Baby is an original comic series by Filmymoji based on realistic situations with fictional characters Bobby & runs through their conversations which will tickle your funny bones.
How an innocent person deals with his dominating girl friend forms the crux of the story with a variety of situations in a short and sweet time frame will entertain you throughout the MUST MUST MUST watch for the people who are in a A WATCH & HAVE FUN.
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